2024-07-11 · 5 minutes to read

10 natural remedies for ADHD without medication

Written by: Bob Wilson · Published by: Endel

Moon and waves

If you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), life can sometimes feel overwhelming. You might struggle to focus at work or school, or have difficulty balancing tasks. Maybe you procrastinate when deadlines are looming, or wrestle with compulsive behavior. Managing ADHD can be a lot of work when you’d rather be enjoying life.

There are effective ADHD medications out there, but these can come with tricky side effects. So what about alternative ways to manage ADHD? Natural remedies – meaning everything from dietary supplements to healthy habits – can do a lot to make life with ADHD easier.

30% of Endel users report having ADHD, and many of them use natural treatments to manage their ADHD symptoms. We asked them for tips, and created this list of the handiest natural remedies. Most of these ideas are simple and quick to try. All of them have brought relief to people with ADHD.

The best natural treatments to manage ADHD

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Therapy isn’t accessible to everyone, but for those who can get it, CBT is a great treatment for ADHD. CBT aims to change negative thought patterns to improve mental well-being. Living with ADHD can cause many such thought patterns, as setbacks and challenges lead ADHDers to doubt themselves and their abilities. CBT can help people with ADHD cope with their symptoms, reduce stress, and improve executive functioning (the ability to get things done). Studies suggest that, for some people, CBT can be as effective as medication.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are “healthy fats,” mostly found in fish oil. They’re essential for brain health, and many people take them as a dietary supplement. They improve ADHD symptoms, too. A study showed that children with ADHD who took omega-3 supplements had improved attention and reduced hyperactivity. To get a brain boost, try adding foods to your diet that are rich in omega-3 – like fatty fish, chia seeds, and walnuts.

3. Healthy Diet

When life is chaotic and stress is high, it’s tempting to order takeout every night. But this might make things worse! Processed foods and sugar can exacerbate ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and inattention. Avoid processed food and try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Be kind to your body and life will feel a little more manageable.

4. Exercise

Many of us spend our days sitting down at work or school. If you have ADHD, the days might be even longer as you struggle to finish tasks on time. Try to step away from your desk and get some exercise. You’re probably aware of many of the health benefits of physical activity – but did you know that it can reduce ADHD symptoms, too? It does this by boosting dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels in the brain, which are essential for focus and attention. That half hour you spent jogging might save you an hour in procrastination!

5. Endel

Endel is an app that helps you focus, relax, and sleep with sound. It generates personalized soundscapes that are scientifically engineered to improve your well-being. Endel’s Focus soundscape stimulates dopamine and blocks out distractions – a study showed that it can enhance your concentration by as much as 7x. Other soundscapes aid relaxation and sleep, helping you manage stress and get healthy rest. Just switch on Endel and feel the distractions fade away.

6. Mindfulness and meditation

When it all gets too much, try taking a time-out. Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere, any time – and it can help people with ADHD increase their focus and stay on task. Studies suggest that mindfulness meditation can improve executive functioning in adults with ADHD. Many apps offer courses that will teach you the basics. Just fifteen minutes of brain training a day can make a huge difference.

7. Sleep

Sleep can be the first thing to go when life gets busy. A chaotic schedule often means late nights and early mornings, and stress can make shut-eye elusive. Unfortunately, it’s a vicious cycle: poor sleep worsens inattention and hyperactivity. To keep on top of your ADHD symptoms, try to establish a regular sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Endel’s Wind Down and Sleep soundscapes can help guide you to a good night’s rest.

8. Limiting screen time

It’s all too easy to get distracted by the glow of your screen. Try not to scroll too much, especially before bed. Excessive screen time can interfere with sleep and make symptoms worse. To manage ADHD, set limits on device use and try to schedule screen-free activities like reading. Give your brain a break and it will thank you with improved focus.

9. Organizational strategies

If you struggle with ADHD symptoms, getting things done might not come naturally to you. Luckily, there are countless tools and techniques out there to help you keep on top of things. Planners, to-do lists, reminders, and project management apps can help people with ADHD stay organized and on track. Use these tools to boost executive functioning and tackle daily tasks.

10. Social Skills Training

Children with ADHD often struggle with social anxiety, which can make their ADHD symptoms worse. Social skills training teaches them how to interact with others, focusing on problem solving, emotional control, and communication. Improving these skills can help children to feel comfortable in social situations, which in turn can reduce ADHD symptoms.

* * *

This list shows the range of natural treatments out there for people with ADHD. From dietary tweaks to habit-building exercises, many of these options are simple to try and can get great results. Of course, there’s no replacement for traditional medicine. But if you’re looking for extra support or an alternative approach, why not give one or two a try.

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