2022-10-01 · 5 minutes to read
Alexander Shestakov’s story: The passion for technology led me to Endel
Written by: Bob Wilson · Published by: Endel

The problem of focus is complex and has no single cause. I am a coder in the gaming industry, so I often have to keep track of multiple information channels: messenger, emails, these people, those colleagues, worldwide news.
"The need to constantly focus and weed out the superfluous is what our everyday life is, most of the time. This is the challenge that we face — me and almost all people I know."
I alternate using things that work for me in this sense. For instance, running helps me clear my head, reduce anxiety, and be focused. I have a playlist for that and when I listen to any given song, I remember the time and place and pace of my running, it’s almost like a muscle memory. This helps me a lot to workout and stay motivated. Another helpful thing for me is meditation. The first time I tried meditating was about 12 years ago – I read about a newly launched Headspace app and learned about guided meditation and mindfulness training.
I met with Endel CEO Oleg Stavitsky at a conference in Berlin. Then I remember Oleg's post on Facebook with a story about a new app.
"Endel was irresistible to me from the beginning, as I’m interested in music, algorithms, and neural networks. I also really like the aesthetic."
I downloaded the very first version of Endel, used it during the trial period, but somehow it did not work for me at all and I forgot about it. After a while, I came across Endel in a Spotify playlist. I remember seeing it and being surprised, "Oh, here are these guys from Berlin!" I listened to Endel so often on Spotify that I even had Endel tracks in my Spotify Wrapped!
The ultimate brain focus app
Now, I use the Endel app while working, mostly Focus or Deeper Focus soundscapes. I set a timer for 55 minutes: when the music ends, I know the work session is over and it's time for a break.
Coders, like creative people, need time to get into the flow state where about 80% of the work is being done.
"It’s important to isolate yourself from distractions and have a ritual that helps you focus. For some people, a starting point is their favorite Bach concerto; for me, it’s often the Endel AI soundscape."
This is much easier for me than making a playlist or finding relaxing songs on Spotify that I would enjoy at the moment. I do not have to choose anything.
On busy days, I usually have two daily sessions. First, I formulate what I want to finish in one session, then turn on the Do Not Disturb mode, so that I am not distracted by notifications, and push the play button in Endel. During morning sessions, Endel provides the initial productivity boost, and at midday I use it to motivate myself to keep going.
Better than music for concentration
I also recommend Endel to friends. This frequently happens when we discuss procedural art or when the topic of music for focus comes up. Some people listen to nothing at all, while others prefer techno or synthwave. I mention Endel!
"Once my friend and I were working together in the same space, he turned on LoFi beats to get things done. I told him, «Hey, see, I have an application that makes such beats automatically and endlessly.»"
As a music enthusiast with a technical background, I'm also curious about how this music is produced from a technical standpoint. In the long run, the outcome is beneficial to me: I use the application for an hour, manage to get to the flow state and stay focused. It makes me think that this particular kind of music for concentration works for me.
Additionally, I like the idea of the app, its story. The Warner deal, AI backstory, scientific testimonials, inputs and real-time generation of sounds… this all feels like a great narrative to me. Since I work in the video game industry, I honestly think that AI-generated content will play an increasingly big role in entertainment. This becomes clear when you consider the success of ChatGPT, the updated versions of Stable Diffusion, and MidJourney – we are just getting started. So, the functional sound for work or relaxation, that is generated in real-time while accounting for interests and preferences of a person, likely has a very bright future ahead!